For Miah, whose fave member is Leader. Thanks for buying.
[2002.08] duet
scan: mori1104
People I look up to
Yes, there are people I respect, and that's everyone in the whole wide world (laughs). I mean, I think everyone's better than me. I'm probably the nadir of the entire human KARE
[the character he played in last year's PLAYZONE] (laughs). Joking aside, I do think that each and everyone has something that's worthy of respect.
Among those close to me, I really look up to my mom. I mean, even at my age, I can still talk easily with my parents. I've been listening to tales of their past trials and tribulations recently, and they were all stories that just made me go, "Wow, amazing!" My respect for them is renewed once again.
Yup, I really get along well with my mom. I can talk with her about anything, be it personal or work stuff, or just plain worries. In turn, my mom also consults with me about her problems. In a way, she's like my best friend.
I've been hanging out a lot these days with this guy who's a bit older than me, who works as a regular salaryman. He's a friend of someone from my neighborhood, and that's how we became close. The other day we were like, "I wanna eat
bento outdoors," and so he, his girlfriend, and I got together by the river in our neighborhood. I took pictures of the two of them and stuff, which made me feel a bit lonely (laughs).
He's also in a band, and he's got some honest-to-goodness recording equipment in his house. At first we were composing songs together and seriously recording them and all, but lately we've gotten bored with recording music. Right now we're recording a short radio play. We've split it up between male and female roles, and say lines like, "Would you like some wine?" "Certainly..." It's ridiculous, and we really get such a kick out of it (laughs). Hey, it's not everyday you find someone who's willing to do crazy stuff with you. For me he's invaluable.
Arashi members
They're an irreplaceable presence in my life; it's like I wouldn't know what to do if they weren't around! We're always goofing around together. If ever they just up and disappear...I'd be devastated, and surely cry my eyes out (laughs).
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